Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Easter is such a great holiday! It is a day that we get to focus more on the Savior. Not that we shouldn't do that every day, but it is a nice reminder and very humbling to think of Him. I am so grateful for His atoning sacrifice and for what it means to me personally. I was recently introduced to a book called 21 Days Closer to Christ, written by Emily Freeman. My sorority issued all of us a challenge to draw closer to our Savior and follow the 21 day challenge this book gives. Each day there is a certain scripture and task to focus on and I am so glad I got to participate. I want to start it again because at the time I was really busy and stressed, despite that I still felt a difference in my life and I realize how powerful the challenge can be. If I felt that way while I was only partly dedicating myself to it, I can't imagine how great it will be to fully focus on it! I am so grateful for this Easter season and it always comes at the most perfect time.
(If you would like to take this challenge as well, I have the book you can borrow. I also have the daily challenges on my computer that I would be happy to email!)

To me, Easter is also about spending time with family. I love being with my family and this year was so much fun! Amy, Jeremy and Austin came over after church and we had a big Easter Egg Hunt and a delicious dinner. It was so much fun to see Austin hunting for eggs with his little basket. Although, he was a little more interested in playing with his new golf clubs, rake and shovel. Oh, and shoving as much candy as possible into his mouth at one time.

Such a cute and slobbery little guy!

I love being festive for holidays, but for some reason I am very against the prep work. I don't like carving pumpkins for Halloween, decorating the Christmas tree or dying Easter Eggs. I know, I know! This year, I dyed maybe seven eggs total. My sisters went to town and made 40+ more beautiful eggs, they were so cute! With all the plastic, candy filled eggs my mom worked on, we had a total of 140 eggs hidden in our front and back yard. It was such a fun Easter! I hope yours was just as great!

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