Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yes, I decided to start a blog!

Ok, who is surprised that I got a blog? I am! It really came out of no where for me to do this. Lately, for some weird reason I have been thinking, "I should post that on my blog." That thought is immediately followed by this, "Um, what blog am I referring to? Pretty sure I don't have one." I took that as a hint from the universe, or whatever, that I just need to stop resisting and give in to the temptation. I am not the type to follow a trend and my friends have been trying to convince me to blog for years. I have always been strongly against it with no valid reason as to why, I'm just stubborn that way. I mean, one of my favorite ways to waste time is blog stalking. I love looking at my friends blogs, family member's blogs, shopping blogs, how-to blogs, celebrity blogs...the list goes on. It's kind of a big part of my world, so why not join in? Just please don't say "I told you so!" haha

So far, it has taken me three hours to decide on a background (way too many cute ones to choose from!), blog title (thanks to my sister Jessie for helping!) and all the font, color, layout options stressed me out a little. Being a perfectionist makes this really hard, there are too many things to decide on all at once. But I am still figuring it out and I can't wait to get the hang of it so my blog will be fancy and fun! (Hint-I'm open to tips and suggestions!)

While the appearance of this is fun and important to me, it's the substance that really matters the most. I titled my blog Brett's Bliss for a reason. The word bliss is defined as a state of happiness. Being happy and positive is so important to me. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the type who are non-stop overly positive, talking rainbows and butterflies. That is not reality to me, it just seems so fake and lacking in the depth that makes a person interesting. Happiness to me, is accepting the good with the bad. My favorite quote is "Come what may and love it." It's a difficult concept, but life isn't always perfect we just have to make the most of it. I am so blessed to live a happy life. Difficult at times?...definitely! But I have amazing family and friends, and absolutely no reason to complain. I know what makes me happy, and I will stop at nothing until I get there.

Hopefully I get the hang of this and blogging will become my new favorite thing. It will definitely be more fun for me than for anyone who wants to read it, but feel free to read on if you feel like it!


  1. Yay!!!! Brettie has a blog. I'm so excited to read about all your thoughts and adventures...not that we don't talk about them but it is still fun to read. Love you !

  2. AWESOME!! I totally love this and can't wait to blog stock you now. Love ya lots!
